Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers
Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Keeping up with technology!

So our camera is able to take videos, and occasionally we have used that setting, but I have never known how to get that video onto a program where we could watch them. Then I was introduced to You Tube and the capabilities the site offers. I have been downloading some recent videos and have posted them in our video bar...check them out!!!
Our first videos are of Shelby trying to roll over, she is not quite there yet =)

Sunday, January 17, 2010

TWO?....There is NO way!

I cannot believe that my precious little girl is already two.
We celebrated her second birthday a few weeks back and I found myself constantly tearing up. I really cannot explain it at all, the first birthday wasn't bad, I guess because it is just an excited milestone. The second birthday just proved to be really hard for me to accept. Wow, she's 2...and growing up so fast I just don't know how to slow it down.

I found myself thinking about all of her achievements thus far: words, foods, walking, talking in sentences, learning her letters on her own, learning "Jesus Loves Me"...the list just goes on an on. Where did the time go? Anyway, here are a few pics of her big day.

The table set for breakfast...

Enjoying her pancakes, bed head and all!
On the column in our home, I posted a picture for each month of her second year starting with a pic of her first birthday last January and working my way around the column. Looking at her pics from the year really showed how much she has grown in the past year.
I just had to post these three shots...I asked her to smile at me so I could take her picture and this is what she did! She sooo takes after me, I always hated the camera and still do =)

Saturday, January 9, 2010

More pictures...not so much blog =)

Baking cookies for Christmas! YUMMY!

This is how Shelby spent most of her Christmas...blissfully snoozing!


Trying out the new Tricycle

Shelby enjoying her new toy!

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Some pictures...more to follow (when I find the time)

THE coolest baby EVER!

Taylor's Christmas tree...

Taylor putting the first ornament on the tree.

It kind of funny, Taylor will NOT wear any of her hats. She will NOT let us put a hat on her head, but she loves to pick up her Daddy's hats and play with them!

Time for some catch up!

I am sooo far behind on blogging and keeping everyone updated! It has been such a crazy, enjoyable, nerver racking, and blessed time since our little Shelby arrived. I just haven't been able to find the time.

Anyone who knows me, knows that I am an organized, control freak with time, especially schedules that involved Taylor. Now with Shelby in the mix I have not been able to get it together.

With Taylor, she was sooooo EASY!!! She ate every 3 hours. slept great for naps and was sleeping all night by two months. I did implement babywise and swear by the program. Shelby, however is a different child entirely. I am still trying to get her on some kind, any kind, of schedule. Of course, she had and still has very awful reflux. We are on 30 mg of prevacid and have recently started adding cereal to her bottles to keep the food down. Today is the first "real" day with cereal and so far so good, hince the fact I have time to sit and blog a bit.

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