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Friday, March 26, 2010

The Circus 2010

First, I LOVE the circus! Second, I am a little late posting this =)

The circus though is wonderful, I love the atmosphere, the animals, the smells, and especially the food!!!

So I was super excited when Taylor's Grandaddy bought her tickets to the circus for her birthday this year. Daniel and I were able to spend some time with just Mommy, Daddy, and Taylor. She really did have a good time, however there was an awful lot of trapezy (sp?) type things and she just didn't really understand. They were flipping and turning and I am sure in her mind she thought "I do that all the time, what's the big deal?" =) She could have cared less that they were on a thin wire in the air as they did these things. Now, the animals she LOVED. She liked the elephants, horses, tigers and dogs. She also thoroughly enjoyed the clowns.

We did get some cotton candy and it came with a hat, which she wouldn't take off after we got home =)

A Little Embarassing...

I am going to post a few pictures tht Taylor will probably hate me later for and that I too am a bit embarassed to share.

On our wonderful day of snow Taylor came in and took off her overalls. Underneath we had put on thermal PJs and a long sleeved onesie. As she traisped through the house she found some great pink jellies (sandals) and HAD to put them on along with a hat belonging to her Daddy.

So, please, join me in laughter and a bit of emarassment =)

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