If I had a dollar for how many times I've heard that today...well, I wouldn't be rich, but I'd have a few extra bucks in my pocket.
I have to being this story with New Years Eve...
Shelby and Taylor spent the night with my mom and dad on New Years Eve. Taylor had been a little hoarse, kind of coughing, but nothing bad. She woke up on New Years Day and was VERY sick. I called to check on the girls about 10 (we slept in..YAY). I heard Taylor crying in the background and coughing an awful cough.
So we spent the first morning of 2011 in the Athens Urgent Care. (on a side note, they were sooooo nice and I really liked the doctor that we saw)
Even though she was super sick, totally lethargic...head resting on my shoulder, TV and snuggles...she still made it a point to remind us often that her birthday is tomorrow. She is so excited about turning 3, not so excited about cancelling her party. We were planning on a party with friends, but we have to forgo that and have an intimate family celebration. We do not want any other little ones to get whatever it is she's got. (Official diagnosis: Acute Bronchitis, and we are waiting on lab work)
So about Taylor:
She is the smartest 3 year old I know.
She's sweet and loving to EVERYONE, even her sister.
She can throw a mean fit when she wants to.
Eating is an issue and I sometimes wonder if she is eating enough to even keep a bird alive. She likes lunch, but rarely eats much for breakfast or dinner.
She has a healthy passion for McDonald's =)
LOVES chocolate milk (she gets this from her Daddy)
She knows her entire alphabet. She can recognize all capital letters and most to all of her lower case.
Knows most of her colors
She totally knows ALOT of information and we are often surprised by what she does know and wonder "where did she learn that?"
She has discussions about where animals live. (Dolphins live in the water, right mommy?)
She has an amazing imagination. (we currently live with lots of monsters)
She can host a mean tea party =)
She cleans her plate into the trash and puts her plate, cup and fork in the sink when she's done eating.
She can now write the letter 'T' and she is so proud of it because that is "her" letter.
She takes ballet and LOVES it
Can get dressed and undressed without help
Wants to do most everything without help
You can have a real conversation with her.
She is trying to figure out peoples emotions. She'll often ask us if we are happy. I think that she has always thought to be happy you are smiling. So she's learning that facial expressions do not necessarily show the emotion that the person is feeling. Like, you can be happy and not grinning from ear to ear.
She has a caring and sympathetic nature.
She gets her big girl bed (full size) tomorrow. I am not sure who is more excited me or her =)
She is TOTALLY potty trained, even at night. No pull ups at all.
She is in love with all of her girly panties, especially her Hello Kitty ones. (She actually wants to show them to people. I have had to explain MANY times that we cannot show everyone our undies!)
She has a stuffed elephant, "Ellie", that is her FAVORITE buddy. Ellie mostly stays at home, but occasionally gets to go out.
She reminds us to say grace before meals
her favorite TV programs include: Strawberry Shortcake, Team Umizoomi, Word World, The Fresh Beat Band.
DVR has spoiled her. When we watch something in "real time" she wants to fast forward through the commercials. She doesn't understand that we literally can't do that, and she has been known to cry about it.
She is turning 3!
I just love her to pieces.