Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers
Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

Saturday, February 26, 2011

The Circus!

I realy wanted to take the girls to the circus this year, and was totally bummed when both of the girls got sick last week. Then miraculously they were well =)

I made a last minute purchase and we had tickets to the 3:00 show!
4th row and it was AMAZING!

Monday, February 21, 2011


“Time is free, but it's priceless. You can't  
own it, but you can use it. You can't keep 
it, but you can spend it. Once you've lost it 
you can never get it back.”

I was in the mood to update my blog, I know...crazy, right? I realized that Taylor's birthday ticker still said "congratulations, Taylor is 3!" and went to update her ticker. Do you know that my baby big-girl is on her way to being 4?!
Time is something that I most certainly take for granted. After the girls are in bed, I tend to think...where'd the evening go? I know I am blessed to have a job and have wonderful sitters for the girls, but I want to be at home. I want to be with my girls all day, every day. It seems like I always miss something.

But, really? 4? She will start Pre-K in a little over a year. I think I'll freak out. I know I'll cry. I always wondered why parents did that, now that I am a mom and I am facing this in the forseeable future...I totally get it, 100%.

I guess the blessing comes in that when she is in school, I'll be teaching there and I'll be able to see her she'll be able to see me whenever she wants. =)

Tuesday, February 1, 2011


Shelby is the absolute sweetest 15 month old I know. (not that I am biased at all!)
So what is she up to?
  • She has begun talking A LOT over the past week. She asks (by pointing) what everything is. She actually point to things and says "this?" Kind of like she wants to know what this is.
  • Some words she can say well...Mommy, Daddy, baby (although it sounds like Baaabee), ball, up, down/done(they sound similar), apple, shoe, thank you (more like tay uuu), nananana (banana, and yes its lots of na's), bath...there are probably more words, but I can't remember. She does a lot of repreating what we say...she's trying!
  • She learned how to open doors in the house. Not the front door, but all the others she can now open.
  • Because of her door opening skills, she has now enjoyed at least 4 wonderful playdates with the for her at the time, not fun for Mommy when I have to change her and clean her up.
  • She loves to be outside. One reason we're glad she CAN'T open the front door. (the back stays locked). I have caught her going into the garage, but she only made it a few steps out, and boy was she mad when she got placed back inside.
  • She is long and lean. 25% for her weight and 70% for her height. In comparison for us, she is the same height as Taylor was at 17 months. So she's a bit taller.
  • Shelby love to read...she has been reading the Your Baby Can Read books. I vow to work with BOTH of the girls this can't hurt. Shelby recognizes over 15 words.Is it memory? maybe, but you gotta start somewhere. We are definitely not pushing either of them to read, but the exposure to the written language is so good for them. (yes, I am a teacher, poor kids)
  • She is a master of animal sounds. I LOVE her really sounds like a duck...CRAZY! She has mastered the elephant, sheep, cow, monkey, horse, pig, tiger, cat, and dog.

  • She is an awful teether
  • she is very stubborn...if she doesn't want to whatever, she really doesn't want to...
  • We have really had a hard time with her skin this winter. She has Eczema on her arms and legs. We lather her with cortizone cream nightly, with lotion and a humidifier. Some days it looks great and others, not so much.
  • She is an eater. Sometimes he eats more in one meal than Taylor does all day. I have noticed that she has tappered off some.
  • She really eats ANYTHING (probably includign things she shouldn't eat). But, there is not much she turns her nose at.
  • She is acting like she wants to climb out of her crib. She is NOT allowed to learn to do that...I'll let you know how that turns out =)  No, really, I cannot imagine her in a toddler bed. She'd be up ALL night.
  • Whereas Taylor LOVED TV and would stare anytime we had it on. Shelby has absolutely no need for the TV.
  • Shelby can now climb onto our kitchen table. Learning she could do that was a bit shocking. Daniel walked in and there she was in the middle of the breakfast table, pulling all of the wipes out of the wipe box! Silly girl!
  • She is super loving. Our neighbor has a little boy and they happened to come over Sunday evening while we were outdoors with the girls for a bit of fresh air. I think the two of them are like 2 moths apart...anyway, she gave him so many kisses and hugs, it was ADORABLE. Her first boyfriend...lets just hope she can learn some modesty before the teenage years!
So that's Shelby minus the details I just cannot remember right now! Every day is a new adventure...I cannot wait to see what she does tomorrow =)


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