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Tuesday, March 8, 2011

New Vocabulary

Just had to share that Shelby has had a massive vocabulary EXPLOSION!

She has started saying all kinds of things and many of the words are so clear! She now tries to repeat almost everything that you say... I am so excited to be on the way to "real" communication with her. It is such a blessing to be able to understand her needs, wants, and hurts.

Along with all the vocabulary has also come stubborness...and it has come with a vengeance! Her favorite new thing to say is "uh, uh" as in "no" while shaking her head vigorously left to right. frustrating! and cute at the same time =)

She says uh-uh to most anything but usually it is the response to a command like...."Shelby, let's clean up the books", "Let's go get a bath", "Come and get your shoes on", and "Can I have a hug?" ...sad =(     

She is just learning soooo much, it is amazing.

She loves her Your Baby Can Read books, and actually recognizes about 15 words. I think it's great and she really enjoys them.

I am so in love with her and am thankful that God has allowed me to take care of her and her sister.

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