To me Spring Break is just as it is for every other teacher out there....a TEASE!
It makes me wish for summer, this year I felt this more than others. I really haven't been able to do much over the past 3 summers. After Taylor was born in January '08, she was small and still taking 2 naps a day. Although that age is very fun in its own right, there really isn't alot of variety in your day.
In '09 I was pregnant with Shelby and not as comfortable doing as much as I wanted to do with Taylor.
Last Summer, Shelby was the one taking 2 naps a day...
But, THIS Summer the two are going to be SOOO FUN! They are both at an incredibly fun stage, they are only taking 1 nap which gives us the ENTIRE morning to do great things....(they can also go without a nap, but we don't do that very often)
I got a taste of Summer on my Spring Break.
We enjoyed times with friends coming over and visiting...the kids LOVED meeting new little "friends". I enjoyed catching up.
One thing I really want to try hard to do is to spend time with each of my kids seperately AND together. I reserved a day for Shelby and one for Taylor over the break.
The Yellow River Game Ranch!
She got bit by a deer while feeding it...OUCH (it did bring blood and her poor finger was swollen for a few days)
She love walking on the rocks that edged the trail.
Her favorite thing was the mountain lion. She literally stood at the cage for 15 minutes "meowing" at the "cat"
She also, had a blast feeding the goats. They had little babies running around, not in the pen. She really liked these, they were just her size!
Pedicures and "Yogi Bear"
- Talyor LOVED getting her toes painted. She picked green (lime green) her favorite color at the moment.
- The nail salon was super nice and painted little white daisies on her big toes without us asking. Taylor was thrilled!
- We went to see "Yogi Bear" at the Dollar movie (technically $1.99, and they get you at the concession stand!)
- The cherry ICEE was better than the movie.
- She couldn't stop talking about the popcorn for the rest of the afternoon. (she is a child after my own heart!)
- She remembered very little of the movie...but loved that Yogi tookt he picnic tables at the end and there was a dog on one of them. If you ask her about the movie, that's pretty much all you'll get.
- At dinner like 4 nights later she was talking to Daniel and said " Daddy, at Yogi Bear there was a rabbit and it chased this bird, and it rode a scooter, like Lydia has. (Lydia is the daughter of Tracy, our sitter)" For the life of me I had NO IDEA what she was talking about. There wasn't a rabbit in the movie and I didn't remember a bird and I was certain no one rode a scooter. Then it dawned on me...She was remembering the cartoon that played before the movie. -- it was the Road Runner and Wiley Coyote!!! It was a cute cartoon and the coyote DID ride on an electric scooter (liek the mall police have). It's funny what they remember.
I hate that I don't have pics downloaded yet, but I will soon!