Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers
Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

Saturday, July 25, 2009

Visiting the GA Aquarium

Taylor had a blast looking at all of the fish!
If they would have let her get in she would have!
I really wish that the aquarium were not so crowded, it would have been much more fun. We did however have a great day with Daniel's dad and Cindy. We went through the aquarium walked around the park and had a great lunch. We can't wait to ge together again!

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Walking in My Daddy's Shoes

After putting her suntan lotion on I always let it sit for about 5 minutes to let it dry good on her skin. She usually plays until we go out, today she decided to put on Daniel's shoes... I couldn't resist taking this picture.

Saturday, July 18, 2009

A day on the Lake

What is a family to do when they are bored at home and Daddy has the boat already on the truck? Go to the lake! We decided to take Taylor out to Tribble Mill and spend a few hours out on the lake. She really had a good time learning to fish =) and splash off the side of the boat with her Daddy. She did have a life vest on, but it was so uncomfortable for her we let her take it off. Going under 2 miles per hour didn't cause us to worry much.

This happens to be Daddy's favorite picture from the day.

I love how focused she was on turning the reel...

Just relaxing with Daddy.

Sunday, July 5, 2009

Blue Willow - Wedding Celebration

Not our wedding! That was quite a few years ago. Daniel's cousin Kristen actually went to Vegas and got married to her fiance, they were planning on a wedding and then were on vaca and decided to go for it. Her parents threw her a little reception at Blue Willow in Social Circle. We had a good time with our family and meeting the hubby's family from Holland. Taylor really enjoyed the garden and flowers around the restaurant and I was able to capture a few good photos of her.

Saturday, July 4, 2009

The 4th of July

Well the fourth of July for most is just a great holiday and you get to see some fireworks. For my family it is that plus my Mom's Birthday. How cool to have fireworks on your birthday, I always thought that was neat! We have been going up to my parents lakehouse for the past few years to celebrate the fourth. Daniel can buy some great fireworks, seeing as we can drive a few miles into Souith Carolina to get the good ones. This year was wonderful, Mom turned well 56, she might not like it that I told, but I think she wears it well and I am happy to have her wisdom and advice that those 56 years have brought.

Here is a picture of the cake my Dad got her... is there something wrong with the age? Yeah, Dad made a mistake and told me that hopefully mom would be flattered he thoguht she was a year younger! Needless to say, we left the cake with a "55" adorning the top.

Mom (Nanny) and Taylor

Enjoying the Fireworks!

This was the first time that she actually said "cheese" as I held up the camera...way too cute!

Taylor loved the few month old puppies.

Friday, July 3, 2009

What's in a Name?

So naming Taylor was SOOOOO easy for us. We new her name before we new it was a "her".

With this second baby, we had no idea what to call her. There had been a list on the fridge for months, that means LOTS of name choices (about 20 to be exact). Well I finally got so frustrated passing the list everyday that it went into the trash one night! I just didn't want to stress about it anymore and refused to think about it for at least 30 minutes =)

We have finally decided on a name. It is at least one that Daniel and I both don't hate, which is a grand improvement over the "list" where he didn't like my choices and I didn't like his.

Her first name will be Shelby. No history behind it, no cute story, just Shelby. We are still deciding ont he middle name and hopefuly it will come to us, maybe in a dream or something. My middle name is Lynn, Daniel likes the idea of passing it on. I, however, didn't really like the name growing up so how do I pass that on? Except that I don't really like anything else and Shelby Lynn does sound good together even if it is kinda country. So we'll just have to wait on the middle name. At least now I can call her Shelby, not "baby", "it", "her", etc.

Thursday, July 2, 2009

18 months today!

We were not going to do anything special and then...changed our minds, thanks to Grammie! This is one of the last milestones Taylor will have with all attention on her. Grammie bought Taylor the cutest Mickey cake (Mickey Mouse Clubhouse is her favorite thing to watch). I just loved seeing her dive into that cake with such sweet happiness, the worry about it going to your hips comes much later.

She just dives right in, before we can even get the chair slid up to the table!

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