Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers
Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

Sunday, August 29, 2010

Shelby Walking

I also get a kick out of Taylor in the background saying she has to potty, again.

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Missing the girls

I really miss seeing my little girls since going back to work.
I randomly stop and think "what are they doing?"
I hate that I don't know.

I am fully blessed because my kids stay with my mom 2 days a week and with an AWESOME sitter (Tracy) the other 3 days of the week. On most days I have to drag Taylor away to go home, she loves her Lydia (Tracy's school-aged daughter).

So I am thankful, but I still hate the feeling that others are raising my kids...even if I couldn't choose 2 better people for the job.

Does it get easier as they get older, or do you, as a parent, always feel like others are doing the parenting? I mean, eventually they are at school more hours than they are awake at home.

Maybe I'll homeschool....
probably not, but it's a thought.

Sunday, August 22, 2010

Shelby 10 Months Old

My little "monkey" ...she LOVES to climb on anything.
Notice the soaking wet shirt! What a droolbox!


Friday, August 20, 2010


Shelby has begun her track to walking!
Last Saturday she took her first steps...I was so glad Daniel and I were able to see her first steps.
Since then she has randomly taken 1-5 steps.
She happens to be stubborn and only does it when she wants to, we can't really get her to work on it if she's not in the mood.

I cannot believe she's already baby is not so much a baby anymore, it's a little sad. Not sad enough to want another one, but sad all the same.

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

My M,W,F Devotions

I have commited myself to working out in the morning before work on Monday's Wednesday's and Friday's. I am really only a week in, so I am not sure if I'm going to keep it up or not (great attitude, right?) I get up around 5:45 and walk/jog/run in my subdivision. I take my iphone, hook up my headphones and listen to christian music via pandora.

I have really enjoyed being able to spend the time thinking about me, my life, and my walk with the Lord.

I wanted to share a song that I heard this morning while walking. I am a Third Day fan, but must have missed this song because I had never heard it til this morning. It does however remind me of myself and I just cried while I walked this morning.

Take My Life  By: Third Day

How many times have I turned away

The number is the same as the sand on the shore
But every time You've taken me back
And now I pray You do it once more.

Please take from me my life
When I don't have the strength
to give it away to You Jesus

How many times have I turned away
The number is the same as the stars in the sky
But every time You've taken me back
And now I pray You do it tonight.


Tuesday, August 10, 2010


I figure it is time to give Taylor an entire post to herself. I kind of feel as if she's been a little left out. Shelby changes so much, so quickly that it just feels natural to write about all of her changes, but Taylor is changing too and it's not all about giving up paci's and stuff. So, what is Taylor up to?
  • She recognizes all of her letters, upper case and lower case, only sometimes she gets confused between j and g.
  • If I let her watch TV all day, she would.
  • She can count to 14, but recently 6 has gone missing.
  • She has seen her first movie in the theater. (Toy Story 3) She loved the movie, but loved the popcorn and cherry icee more!
  • She no longer has a paci. (YAY)
  • She sometimes eats a WHOLE lot and sometimes she eats NOTHING...really, nothing! (stresses me out!)
  • She loves to put stuffed animals in anything that moves...her play stroller, play grocery cart, her ride-on airplane, etc.)
  • She sleeps with a pink lamby (stuffed lamb, very cute) and a white lamby. Two days ago she added her stuffed pink elephant to the party!
  • she has to have 2 blankets on her bed. One my mom made for her, the other is a hello kitty, fleece blanket. She wakes up sweaty sometimes, but refuses to sleep without both blankets and I don't fight that battle. She goes to sleep and 99% of the time sleeps through the night.
  • She has the absolute BEST personality of any 2.5 year old I've ever met.
  • She is SUPER smart, knows it, and will use it against out!
  • She can pretty much dress herself, we are still working on shirts, she hasn't mastered putting on or taking off the shirt...
  • She loves her sister, always hugs and kisses on her.
  • She hates that Shelby is mobile now and tends to put her fav items on a table out of her reach.
  • She has a flare for singing very, very loudly. Her most recent favorite is "Let it Shine" from her christian selections =)
  • You really can have a conversation with her and possibly understand all of it.
  • She loves to tell people about stuff. Her booboos, her toys, where she's been, what she's seen, etc.
  • She likes to play "nap time" by pulling her blankets and pillow and animals out into the middle of the floor and just laying there. What is so cute is if you say something she'll say "shhhhh, don't wake us up, we're very tired"
  • I really think she has a little bit of OCD. Everything has a place and an order. Nothing can change, at least not without whining and fighting.
  • She always puts her shoes in her room, her dirty clothes in her basket and puts away clothes into her drawers.
  • She says something that surprises me almost everyday.
  • She can color beautiful pictures (lines, circles, and squiggles on a page...beautiful I tell you!)
  • She hates to brush her teeth (who loves it?)
  • She LOVES her daddy.
  • If you ask her what she wants to eat she'll probably say chicken nuggets and french fries.
  • She's drinking from a cup without a lid at the table (sometimes)
  • She can throw a mean fit and be a real pill, she's 2 after all =)
  • She can swim
  • she loves to be for hot weather
  • She says her prayers every night and reminds us before we remind her.
  • She gives the best hugs

I know that there is soooo much more I could write and I will make it a point to give her more blog time from now on!

Monday, August 2, 2010

A full Grill!

I will have to post a pic later, but my little Shelby is on her way to a full set of teeth...

Tooth #5,6,and7 (thanks to Tracy for spotting #7) are coming in.
They have broken through the gums and are peeking their white little caps at me, when Shelby lets me get close enough to look!

Vacation family pics...

We went to St. George Island this year and LOVED it! Our last day there (I know, I am posting a little backwards) we took some family shots...


Second Trip to the Game Ranch

Our first trip was shortly after we became pregnant with Shelby. I felt awful the day we took Taylor, a week or so later I knew why =)

The deer loves her so much it felt the need to kiss her!


9 Months old already

She loves to carry her items in her mouth...leaves her hands free for holding on!


Who Says...

You can't celebrate Christmas in July?


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